jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011
Mediateca de la Alianza Francesa de Venezuela: Club de Conversation
Mediateca de la Alianza Francesa de Venezuela: Club de Conversation: Thème du Jeudi 01/09 (18h - 19h30) : "C'est la rentrée !" Vous souvenez-vous de la rentrée à l'école : du retour de vacances, des achats d...
Mediateca de la Alianza Francesa de Venezuela: Club de Conversation
Mediateca de la Alianza Francesa de Venezuela: Club de Conversation: Thème du Jeudi 01/09 (18h - 19h30) : "C'est la rentrée !" Vous souvenez-vous de la rentrée à l'école : du retour de vacances, des achats d...
viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011
Next public Spanish Class:
Visits us in www.spanishsouthamerica.org and learn about our courses.
Spanish: Presente del Indicativo by EDITH LUNA VILLANUEVA
Get your own Virtual Classroom
miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011
Spanish language fans reunion/ Encuentro de fanáticos de la lengua española

Friday / Viernes 25/02
8.00-9.30 (GMT-3; Argentina time): Nos presentamos/ Nos encontramos y saludamos (we introduce ourselves [For those who are joining the event later]) (or we meet and say hello) en Facebook
9.30-10.00: Contamos nuestras motivaciones para aprender español (we tell our reasons for learning Spanish) en Facebook.
10.00-11.00: Intercambiamos páginas de intéres (we exchange interesting websites)en Facebook/ skype
11.00- 12.00: Jugando (Playing: we'll meet in skype to play a game online. The link will be suggested during the chat session)
12.10- 13.00: Docencia y Traducción (Teaching and translation: presentation in virtual classroom). [Link to be added]
13.00-16.30: Break (During breaks, participants can interact among themselves, preferably in Spanish, to practice some more)
16.30-17.10: ¿Cómo conocer más a nuestros alumnos? (How to get to know our students better?: Presentation on learners' types) . Talks are not recorded, click to join
17.10- 19.30: Cine en línea #2: (movie suggested to watch and discuss: the link will be added in Facebook)
19.30-20.30: Cine en línea#2: comentarios (Discussion about the movie) en Facebook /skype
20.30-22.00: Club de lectura electrónica #2 (E-Reading club meeting to discuss "EL niño que enloqueció de amor" by Eduardo Barrios) en Facebook. [To download the book go to the bottom of this post]
22.20-...: Nos despedimos hasta otro encuentro (we say goodbye till next meeting) en Facebook.
You can check on the time for the time zone of your location at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Thursday/ Jueves 24/02
8.00-10-30 (GMT-3; Argentina time): Nos presentamos (we introduce ourselves) en Facebook.
10.30-11.20: Nos encontramos en skype (we meet in skype) Nombre de contacto: luna_edith
11.20- 12.10: Clase pública (public class) en WIZIQ. Tema (topic): Presente del Indicativo
12.10-13.00: Contamos nuestra experiencia aprendiendo/ enseñando español (we tell our experience learning/teaching Spanish) en Facebook.
13.00-13.30: Entrevista a un bilingüe (Interviewing a bilingual person in a virtual classroom. In Spanish for Intermediate to Advance students mainly) . Talks are not recorded, click to join ->[Postponed for tomorrow same time]
13.30-16.30: Break (During breaks, participants can interact among themselves, preferably in Spanish, to practice some more)
16.30-17.00: Aprendiendo con canciones (learning with songs: short talk/rounded table on the advantages and the steps to learn with music. ) The talks are not recorded, click to join
17.00-19.30: Cine en línea (movie suggested to watch and discuss: the link will be added in Facebook)
19.30-20.30: Cine en línea: comentarios (Discussion about the movie) en Facebook
20.30-21.30: Nos presentamos (we introduce ourselves) en Facebook. For those who join the event later.
21.30-22.20: Jugando (Playing: we'll meet in skype to play a game online. The link will be suggested during the chat in skype)
22.20-...: Club de lectura electrónica (E-Reading club, reading "EL niño que enloqueció de amor" by Eduardo Barrios) Click here to download
lunes, 10 de enero de 2011
March special: Spanish beginners course $80/month

Starting in March 7th in these time slots: 11AM GMT; 5pm GMT and 11pm GMT(*), the course will be developed during March, April and May, in twice-a-week classes in virtual classrooms you will access with just a click. You'll be able to revise the content develop by simply watching the recording and doing follow-up exercises.
In small groups of no more than four (4) students, you will join other learners whose source language is not Spanish and a native-Spanish-speaker tutor and we will gradually develop the contents of a communication- oriented syllabus that will enable you to communicate in the target language, Spanish, by the time you grasp the Spanish grammar.

After the course you can take an optional level test.
Remember the course includes material Comunicándonos Principiantes Students' Worksheets and free-access to other Spanish South America activities.
So, willing to say ¡Felices Vacaciones! naturally and mean it? Then, join us!
(*)You can check on the time for the time zone of your location at time zone of your location at
Contact us for schedules: info@spanishsouthamerica.org
Ask for Terms and Conditions for promoter students
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