Friday / Viernes 25/02
8.00-9.30 (GMT-3; Argentina time): Nos presentamos/ Nos encontramos y saludamos (we introduce ourselves [For those who are joining the event later]) (or we meet and say hello) en Facebook
9.30-10.00: Contamos nuestras motivaciones para aprender español (we tell our reasons for learning Spanish) en Facebook.
10.00-11.00: Intercambiamos páginas de intéres (we exchange interesting websites)en Facebook/ skype
11.00- 12.00: Jugando (Playing: we'll meet in skype to play a game online. The link will be suggested during the chat session)
12.10- 13.00: Docencia y Traducción (Teaching and translation: presentation in virtual classroom). [Link to be added]
13.00-16.30: Break (During breaks, participants can interact among themselves, preferably in Spanish, to practice some more)
16.30-17.10: ¿Cómo conocer más a nuestros alumnos? (How to get to know our students better?: Presentation on learners' types) . Talks are not recorded, click to join
17.10- 19.30: Cine en línea #2: (movie suggested to watch and discuss: the link will be added in Facebook)
19.30-20.30: Cine en línea#2: comentarios (Discussion about the movie) en Facebook /skype
20.30-22.00: Club de lectura electrónica #2 (E-Reading club meeting to discuss "EL niño que enloqueció de amor" by Eduardo Barrios) en Facebook. [To download the book go to the bottom of this post]
22.20-...: Nos despedimos hasta otro encuentro (we say goodbye till next meeting) en Facebook.
You can check on the time for the time zone of your location at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Thursday/ Jueves 24/02
8.00-10-30 (GMT-3; Argentina time): Nos presentamos (we introduce ourselves) en Facebook.
10.30-11.20: Nos encontramos en skype (we meet in skype) Nombre de contacto: luna_edith
11.20- 12.10: Clase pública (public class) en WIZIQ. Tema (topic): Presente del Indicativo
12.10-13.00: Contamos nuestra experiencia aprendiendo/ enseñando español (we tell our experience learning/teaching Spanish) en Facebook.
13.00-13.30: Entrevista a un bilingüe (Interviewing a bilingual person in a virtual classroom. In Spanish for Intermediate to Advance students mainly) . Talks are not recorded, click to join ->[Postponed for tomorrow same time]
13.30-16.30: Break (During breaks, participants can interact among themselves, preferably in Spanish, to practice some more)
16.30-17.00: Aprendiendo con canciones (learning with songs: short talk/rounded table on the advantages and the steps to learn with music. ) The talks are not recorded, click to join
17.00-19.30: Cine en línea (movie suggested to watch and discuss: the link will be added in Facebook)
19.30-20.30: Cine en línea: comentarios (Discussion about the movie) en Facebook
20.30-21.30: Nos presentamos (we introduce ourselves) en Facebook. For those who join the event later.
21.30-22.20: Jugando (Playing: we'll meet in skype to play a game online. The link will be suggested during the chat in skype)
22.20-...: Club de lectura electrónica (E-Reading club, reading "EL niño que enloqueció de amor" by Eduardo Barrios) Click here to download
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