miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

Spanish ELEMENTARY Course COMUNICÁNDONOS (click here)

Curso de Español Comunicándonos
Módulo #1 ¿Quién eres?

Back to School promotional prices
8 classes /meetings.
FIRST ONE WITHOUT CHARGE (yes, FREE!Whether you are interested in taking the course or not)
Twice a week
9th meeting: Mini test for formative purposes mainly (self assessment, continuous practice, more interaction)
It combines virtual meetings (in-class activities) with assignments to be done individually and in pairs to have extra-practice

Classes start the week of September 7th: different timetables(Check on the one that suits yours)

For queries about fees for Private and Group Tutoring and other schedules, contact luna_edith@yahoo.com


lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

Espanhol para viagantes

Um conhecimento razoável de espanhol faz uma grande diferença em qualquer viagem que se faça a um país de língua espanhola. Poderemos aproveitar mais do país que visitarmos e teremos mais oportunidades de estabelecer amizades ou mesmo relações mais formais (intercâmbios econômicos, acadêmicos, científicos, etc.), se pudermos nos comunicar na língua dos nossos anfitriões.
Consulte-nos por o curso ESPAÑOL PARA LA SUPERVIVENCIA

Learning-on-the-phone experiences with blind people

Nowadays, the number of people demanding or joining virtual classes is increasing, and so are the characteristics of the students involved. However, this fact seems to be taken from granted when preparing courses whether e-, m- or b- learning, resulting in the negligence of special-needs or impaired people, blind included. This paper describes the experiences of two students who joined the learn-on-the-phone course to learn Spanish and are coincidentally sight-impaired. It relates the outset of the development of the course, the tutor’s beliefs and fears, how materials had to be adapted and which particular techniques and strategies had to be stressed for their learning success. Finally, the presentation highlights how collaborative, constructivist, communicative learning is possible in mix-ability groups of students like the one illustrated with very good results.
(Abstract of the presentation by Edith Luna Villanueva to be developed at MASLA Conference 20009)

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

L’apprentissage d'Espagnol en ligne

Pour Internet, avec matériaux authentiques, les cours d'Espagnol du SPANISH SOUTH AMERICA vous offrez la possibilité d’apprendre et practiquer la langue espagnole dans un environnement d’apprentissage interactif - salle de clase virtuelle- idéal pour le développement des habilites communicatives.
Les étudiants peut entrer en contact avec des étudiants et interlocuteurs de langue maternelle des différentes pays.
Pour information, contacte nous: spanishsouthamerica@gmail.com

Espanhol para falantes de Português

En um mundo globalizado, a comunicação com outras pessoas de distintos lugares é indispensável, seja para trabalho, lazer ou qualquer outro motivo, principalmente porque o Brasil está localizado no Mercosul onde a maioria dos países falam Espanhol e milhares de negócios são fechados com esse idioma.
O Espanhol é o idioma oficial em Espanha e muitos países da América Latina
Argentina, Bolívia, Cuba, Costa Rica, Equador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicarágua, Panamá, Paraguai, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguai, Venezuela, Porto Rico.
E no futuro se tornará a segunda língua mundial, bastante presente na Florida e outras regiões do USA agora.
Para aprender ou melhorar o seu conhecimento do idioma, os cursos de Espanhol pela Internet de SPANISH SOUTH AMERICA permiten a os alunos falar fluentemente, con materiais actuais e em contacto com estudantes e falantes nativos de todo o mundo.

Aulas de espanhol online

Quer aprender Espanhol ou melhorar mais seu Espanhol ?
Experimente o espanhol com as nossas aulas.
SPANISH SOUTH AMERICA oferece a alunos de todo o mundo a possibilidade de aprender a língua espagnola em cursos como COMUNICÁNDONOS.
O objectivo de este curso é que o aluno adquira um domínio da língua e cultura espanholas e de America do Sul, adequado para comunicar-se.
Nossos cursos estão orientados a ensinar o espanhol em todos os níveis, além da cultura e tradições espanholas e sulamericanas, conhecidas no mundo inteiro.

Test your Spanish free classes

These are demo classes in virtual classroom for different levels.

Some examples are:

Test your Spanish for BEGINNERS
We play a number of games for students to practice or test their Spanish level. We focus on the use of the Present form of the verbs “ser” (to be), “vivir” (work), “tener” (to have), “trabajar”(to work), and some other action verbs, for exchanging personal information.
We work on orality, therefore the need of a microphone.
The class is meant for those who have some bare idea or command of Spanish, but if you are a true beginner you can join and check on this demo class

Test your Spanish for INTERMEDIATE I
We use past tenses to tell stories (Pretérito Indefinido- Perfecto Simple- e Imperfecto) in role-playing and quick collective writing activities around the situation: “No sabes lo que me pasó”,
We work on writing and orality, therefore the need of a microphone.
The class is meant for those who have some command of Spanish (present and past tenses prerequisite).
The teacher speaks Spanish mainly to foster listening practice

Test your Spanish for ADVANCED
Teacher speaks Spanish only
Esta clase se enfoca en la práctica de conversación (discusión) sobre un tema: Discrimación vs Diversidad.
Se requiere que los alumnos tengan preparada (bosquejada) una presentación corta y concisa (3’ o 4’) sobre cómo se manifiesta la discriminación (sea racial, social, de género) en el contexto donde residen o provienen, que les facilite la interacción con los demás asistentes.

If you are interested, send a mail to spanishsouthamerica@gmail.com to check on schedules and procedure to join the class.

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

Consejos para el profesor: VERBOS

Enseñar el significado y la conjugación de los verbos no es complicado. Podemos ayudarnos en esta tarea mediante el uso de juegos didácticos, la relación y uso en situación reales, la asociación con la propia lengua del estudiante.
Pero siempre recuerda que es más efectiva la exposición intensiva a lo nuevo que la explicación como centro del proceso de aprendizaje.

Aprender español online /Learning Spanish Online

Los Cursos de Español COMUNICÁNDONOS y ESPAÑOL PARA LA SUPERVIVENCIA se orientaN al uso comunicativo de la lengua en situaciones de la vida cotidiana, mayoritariamente en su forma hablada. Ambos constan de módulos (unidades didáctico-temáticas) de 8 clases con ejercicios prácticos en clases virtuales y tutorías de seguimiento online.
Mientras que ESPAÑOL PARA LA SUPERVIVENCIA trata temáticas de interés para los viajeros, COMUNICÁNDONOS permite al alumno desarrollar gradualmente su competencia comunicativa en cuatro niveles (del Elemental al Avanzado), siendo más intensivo.
Al término de cada módulo en sendos cursos se realiza un test integral con fines autoevaluativos y formativos.
Estos se centran en la práctica del vocabulario y gramática en actividades de lecto- y audio-comprensión integradas con la oralidad.

Ejemplo de ejercicios de los tests son
1) Interactuar con hablantes nativos de la lengua española e intercambiar información personal
(al final del Módulo I)
2) Intercambiar información sobre rutina y gustos
(al final del Módulo II)

The Spanish Course COMUNICÁNDONOS is focused on using the language for communication, in everyday situations, mainly in the spoken form.
Modules - units of work - have eight classes each, with significant practice in-class in virtual classrooms and follow- up tutoring.
While ESPAÑOL PARA LA SUPERVIVENCIA (SURVIVAL SPANISH) deals with topics of interest for travellers, COMUNICÁNDONOS help students gradually develop their communicative competence in four levels (from ELEMENTARY TO ADVANCED)
At the end of each module in either course, a test is taken for students self-assessment and teacher's formative assessment on students.
These tests are for students to work on vocabulary and grammar practice in reading and listening comprehension activities combined with situations for them to talk.

Examples of tests activities are:
1) Talk to native speakers of Spanish and exchange personal information
(at the end of Module I)
b) Exchange information on routines and likes and dislikes
(at the end of Module II)

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009

Spanish Course "Comunicándonos"

The Spanish Language Course “Comunicándonos”, from start, enables beginner students of Spanish to manage basic linguistic situations, through the learning and practicing of functions, contents, grammar and the development of linguistic and communication skills.
The course values the importance of significant exposure to the new language, intensive practice, cooperative learning and regular tutoring, key elements to learning any foreign language (both face-to-face and online).
It makes use of a variety of resources to make the experience productive and intensive.
The course consists of Modules of 8 classes, which are either regular or intensive depending on students' previous knowledge (if any), skills, interests, purposes and time.
Contact spanishsouthamerica@gmail.com to check on levels, schedules and costs of private and small group tutoring.