viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Spanish? South America! e-magazine

" Estamos muy entusiasmados con el trabajo que nuestros tutores realizan y con la respuesta de nuestros alumnos. Sin embargo, sabemos que esto no es suficiente, que hay muchas otras necesidades y publicos a los cuales satisfacer. He aqui el objetivo de nuestra revista digital"

This is part of the e- magazine presentation done at the foreign language teacher trainees online course. Following the e-magazine line, and taking every opportunity to learn, practice, experience the language, we can exploit this text with a few exercises for Low Intermediate + Students:
1. Would you say the speaker is sad, worried, happy and/ or satisfied? Why?
2. The word "entusiasmados" is probably not the most appropriate one. Which other/s would you suggest?
3. Which is the e-magazine objective then?
4. There are orthographic stresses missing, please re-type the text adding them.

If you are taking the FL trainning course remember you need to send this task as a pre-requisite for the sample demo copy for teachers (trainees)

Thank you
Tutor Mariano

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